World Wide Marketing Group

About Sponsoring Affiliates in SFI:

Many SFI affiliates earn THOUSANDS of matching shares EACH MONTH on the activities of HUNDREDS of affiliates!

Earn up to six different ways: Direct Commissions, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Co-Sponsor Commissions, TCredits Bonus, ECA Royalties, and SFI Pay-Per-Action!

Scoring VersaPoints and generating sales at TripleClicks are a great way to earn money with SFI, but if you want to a create a MAJOR monthly income stream, you must employ effective sponsoring and duplication strategies. You must learn how to lead and grow a team of active SFI affiliates, so that you may tap into the ultimate jewel in SFI's compensation plan--VersaPoints Matching.

VersaPoints Matching means that every month you can get matching shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool on every affiliate under you within up to 12 generations downline (and on every one of your Co-Sponsored Affiliates, too). In other words, for every VP they earn, YOU can earn matching VP! A huge 45% of the Commission Volume (CV) on EVERY sale at TripleClicks.


All the training is provided for you.

You Have Nothing To Lose But A Hole Lot To Gain.

FYI: I'm willing to help you any day.
I'll help Sponsor you & your Affiliates till your capable to leading them on your own.


Fill out your information in this page and the next main page to get started!

Note: Be sure to check your email (SPAM Folder) afer signing up.

Request More Info:

Is Cell # Optional?
Are you willing to train to becoming a business person?
Yes No
Are you willing to earn residual income for life?
Yes No
Are you willing to build a team of marketers?
Yes No
Are you willing to create a page like this?
Yes No

Your info is safe and will never be rented, shared or sold. We hate spam too.

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